Friday, June 13, 2008

Hummingbird Serendipity

This is one of those strange serendipitous moments that seem to happen to me often.

First part of the story:
I know it's hard to believe but I have never seen a real hummingbird. I know they are all over my neighborhood and there were many in my yard when I was younger. But I was just never fast enough I guess to get my eye on them before they flitted off. I have wanted to see one for so long! I even went out a few years ago and bought a hummingbird feeder...nothing. Not a single bird was ever spotted by me, anyhow. Well, this past Wednesday I was standing at my kitchen sink and guess what I saw right beside my Hybiscus tree! My first hummingbird! And then to make it even better it flew right in front of the kitchen window and hovered for several seconds then flew over to the sliding glass door hovered a few more seconds then flew off. It was SO cool.
Second part of the story:
Today I go to one of my favorite blogs called Inspire Me Thursday The inspiration this week? The hummingbird, of course! So there is no way I can not do this, right? I read the blog and am chicken to submit stuff. The signs are aligned...I must challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone once more, something good always happens when I do. More on this post later.

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